My Temporary Guild
This story begins in a location that I cannot identify because I got there by a rune.  I was proceeding to loot a house with the key I just stole when a newbie-looking fellow in a VERY goofy looking guild uniform showed up.
"HEY!  WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY GUILD HOUSE???" the orcish man said.

    Since I don't like to kill people unless I have a good reason, I decided to ignore him and keep checking out my future possessions.  I looked in a chest on the floor and within a backpack was a bundle of articles of clothing that made up the same uinform the newbie was wearing.  I decided to have some fun with his head.

"'Tis my guild house too, I joined the day before yesterday and came to get myself a uniform." I said.

"Why don't you buy one in town?" he asked.

"I tried, but I didn't think I'd be able to match the colors correctly so I just came to get one." I replied.

"Well... where'd you get the key?"

"From the guildmaster."  It was true... the person I robbed probably was the guild master. =)

"Oh ok, just don't take anything ok?"

"Of course not."

    He left, and I continued my search.  I placed some bone armor and other miscellaneous trinkets into my "loot bag" intending to both sell and bank some of it.  The newbie was outside mining so I figured it was time for me to have my last bit of fun.  I placed all the furniture inside the house into a small bag and placed it in the center of the room.  I exited the house and walked over to them.

"Goodness!  Something has gone terribly wrong!  We've been robbed!" I yelled to him.

"What!??!?!" he ran inside.

"Shit, who took it?" he asked.

    Laughing to myself, I took off the awful looking uniform and dropped it on the floor next to him.

"I shall give you a hint.  I lied, I'm not in your guild." I said.



"Man just you wait, my guild is going to kill you!" he threatened.

"Thanks for the warning.  I'll remember to run next time I see a bunch of people wearing a silly guild costume." I laughed.

I turned around and walked away.

Moral of this Story:  Hmmm let's see, a guy who you've never seen before is inside your guild house and claims he's a member.  He says he came by just to pick up a uniform?  Please people, get some common sense here.  Anybody who's been playing the game more than a month would know that's the biggest BS reason to be in a guildhouse ever!