Friendly Money   


This story takes place in the player town of Paxlair.    


After severe boredom with waring guilds recalling and blatant lameness of the people in town and stuff, I decided to go pk. I moved all my crap to my house and followed all the pre-pk steps. I was then ready to rumble.

I walked over to the player town of Paxlair and marked a rune near it, I then headed to their mage tower where most of the people hung out. I wasn't a murderer at this point but I was ready to become one at any second. There were two females (prolly guys in real life but whatever) standing by the doors, I walked up and snooped to see what they had (I don't like to kill everything in sight.) One of them had 4k in gold and the other kept moving before I could snoop, I think I'll go with Ms. 4k.

I entered war mode and attacked her.

"Kal Ort Por" goes her friend. I love how the "nobles" stick together and help each other out.

Ms. 4k ran into the tower and darted up the stairs like crazy, she hid in the middle of the room near a big table. I was pissed because of this hiding bullshit and I was getting ready to firefield. I felt like trying something else first.

"Surrender ye money or perish." I said, standing right infront of where she was hidden.

"okok" she said.

Wtf? I didn't know what was going on, but suddenly I had 4000 gold sitting in my trade window with a check on her side. I immediately checked my box and took a second to ponder why the hell she actually GAVE me what I asked for.

"Why dost thou fight in a peaceful town?" (or something like that) she asked.

I gave the "I can't speak normal English" dialect a shot.

"I am a rogue, 'tis what I do." I said.

"I was saving up to buy a music conservatory for the town, may I have a portion of the money back?" A music conservatory? Yay nothing like hearing bard music.

"That would defeat the purpose of thievery." I told her.

She then left, and I recalled home to deposit my new 4,000 gold pieces into my "happy box."

Hours Later...

A few hours later I returned to Paxlair to see what was going on, at this point I was red.

I saw some girl with chainmail leggings and other roleplayerish armor and clothing (anything besides full plate or full bone is usually roleplayerish.) I approached her and snooped. 2k gold, why do these people carry so much money? I decided to try out the little roleplayer bandit thing.

"Surrender thy money, and you may live another day." I said.

"Well, what dost thou say?" I asked.

"nope" she said and began running away.

Ok, time to get nasty.

I attacked her and chased her down, her use of UOExtreme was quite showy as whenever the game lagged she would suddenly appear 5 or 6 squares ahead of where she was when the game started lagging. Hmmm roleplayers using fast walk?

Eventually she hid behind a house, I kept hitting AllNames and her name was still up and I attacked that. She was revealed and then killed. I looted the 2k I wanted but left her armor and sword since I don't need that useless junk.

Later that day I was hanging out with the PC orcs who live near Paxlair, the same girl walked into their fort and the orcs surrounded her and made her pay her armor in tribute. It was pretty funny actually.

It looks like the town of Paxlair is going to be somewhat of a home for Warik for a while. =)