Kal Ort Por
This story takes place in Minoc.
I was standing at the bank awaiting my friend MAGero so I could give him some stuff he asked me to hold.  As I'm waiting, I noticed an orange lad on his horse near the bank, since MAGero was not there yet, I decided to pass up some time.  I whipped out my bow and attacked the guy (sorry can't remember his name, it was real dumb anyway.)  He began to gallop away at full speed, even before I had damaged him.

The pursuit led to the west side of the bank, where his fellow guildmember Sir Frogger was standing.  The first guy I attacked immediately stopped and told Frogger to attack me, and attack me he did.  Frogger then stood in bewilderment as his HP dropped by half with one shot from my crossbow.

"HEAL"  yelled Frogger.

The other orange guy healed him, then I was being attacked by both of them.  The funny part is... the first orange guy was EBOLTING ME!

"Corp Por"  spell hits me, 0 damage.

"Corp Por" spell hits me, 0 damage again.

"Don't bother, I have 500 magic resist."  I told him, everyone around the bank was laughing their heads off at the guy trying to ebolt me in town.

Frogger went down to almost dead again, and again he was healed.  At that point my friend MAGero arrived.

"MAGero it's a 2 on 1, if the guy on horse keeps healing then heal me."  I told him.

"ok"  MAGero said.

Healing me was not necessary, because the guy on horseback who was healing began to gallop east at full speed.  I chased him on foot determined to whoop him.  He paused to recall, his spell was stopped as my bolt hit him again.  He was now down to ONE HIT AWAY FROM DEATH.  Even a shot from a DAGGER would kill him.

"Kal Ort Por"  *vanishes* ... Nice programming OSI.

I ran back to the bank as fast as I could hoping that Sir Frogger was still there.  Yep, he was still there... just waiting to die.  I re-engaged combat on him.

He ran, I pursued.  He was quickly shot down to almost nothing by me, at which point he recalled.  Yet another good guild battle ruined by the recall spell, sigh.