Murder #3
This story takes place at one of the Trinsic Mines.
With the whole situation about my house keys and everything out of the way, I decided to let Sauron come to my house and spar with me like he wanted to.  I asked him to bring a dagger with him so I could practice fencing.  He arrived, and when I asked for the dagger he said he didn't bring one (big surprise.)

I left him inside, took a few ignots from my bookshelf and made my way to one of the Trinsic mines to find someone to make a dagger for me.  My first stop was the western-most mine known as "The Happy Place" by me and Sauron.  I entered to find someone mining.  I hit my macro that I created for this little task.

"Do not be alarmed, no harm will come to you if you comply with my requests."  I macro'ed.

"why murderer?"  she asked.

"For fun."  I replied.

"I need a dagger, can you make me one?  I will supply the ignots."  I requested.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to raise str.  I don't have any hammers."  she replied.

"Ok."  I said, and left.

I then made my way to the mines southeast of that.  I entered to find a guy mining in full chainmail holding a pickaxe.  I approached him, he started to run.

"Do not be alarmed, no harm will come to you if you comply with my requests."  I told him.

He stopped.


"What dost thou want?  And why are thee a murderer?"  he asked.  Cool, I met someone who thinks they are a roleplayer.  I love these guys.

"I need a dagger, I will supply the ignots if you can make me one."  I asked him.

"I would be most willing to make thee a dagger, sir.  But I fear thou art a vile fiend, and I cannot aid thee."  he replied.

Ok, that was it.  I don't mind people using their "thee thou" shit, but I do mind when they discriminate my just because of my color (red)... racist roleplayers!

*You are attacking the newbie lamer!*

He began to run, I pursued him with my xbow since I felt this kill needed to be finished quickly.  He made his way through the woods he was obviously infamilliar with, since he got stuck at many places and took a few bolts in the back.  Finally I nailed him again and he was at very low HP and no stamina.  I put on my war fork since I don't like to waste bolts for a killing blow.

"This could have all been avoided if you just gave me the damn dagger."  I said.

"Slay me not sir!  I yield!  I will make thee a dagger!"  he said.

I laughed, and killed him.  His ghost manifested and began to speak to me.

"Sorry, you should have yielded before the fight ever started.  Leave me alone."  I told him.

I examined his corpse and surprisingly found *NOTHING!*  He had NO smith hammers or ignots!  Only shovels and chainmail!  I was pissed beyond belief and I left all his crap there, hopefully some newbie would come by and loot it before he ressed.

I later returned to the cave and finally had a dagger made by a nice guy who was mining there.... then two other murderers came by and destroyed him (no I didn't participate =)  If only people were more intelligent, I could have my damn dagger and been sparring with Sauron half an hour ago.