Not in My Game Son...
This story takes place near the healer's building in Minoc.
As I was heading out of Minoc to go find stuff to do, I hit All-Names a bunch of times like I usually do when I'm walking and I noticed a very amusing, and disturbing sight.  The healer's building in Minoc was full of corpses of the same name, obviously of a poor criminal who was trying to get ressurected.  I walked inside and noticed Inferno picking on a little defenseless gray guy in a death robe.

"stop!"  yelled the gray individual as he was running around a table in an attempt to escape.

"HURUGHNNGN"  he then yelled after being hacked down by a bardiche.

This was unacceptable.  You want to pick on gray people?  Do it to gray people who can fight back.  I walked outside of the healer's shop and outside of the town limits, I found a little newbie chopping trees and decided to use him as my "accessory to murder."

"Hi."  I said.

"hello"  the newbie said.

I then walked up to him and stole a bow he had just made.

"Hey!  Give that back!"  he yelled.

"np, needed it to become criminal."  I told him, then handed back the bow.

"thx"  he said.

I threw on a death robe, took off my helmet and spear, then dashed back to the healer's building.  I wondered if Inferno had left.

"HURUGHNRNGN"  cried the gray guy.  Obviously Inferno was still there.

I walked right up to Inferno and stood still.

*Inferno is attacking you!*  (yay)

I then threw my robe on the floor, put on my helmet, and whipped out my spear.

"Big mistake, son." I told him with a big smile on my face.

He then turned tail and ran, just like I expected him too.  He ran all the way to town, past the bank (yelling for help in the meantime of course), then up to the tavern to logout like a little coward.  I managed to get this  screenshot before he logged out.  A pretty screenshot of me chasing him and giving him some advice.

I managed to bring him down to half HP before he logged out, too bad I didn't kill him.  Then surprisingly enough, he created a new character name "Noah" and logged in to talk to me.

"Hey"  he said.

"Hi, coward."  I told him.

"Why are you trying to kill me?"  he asked.

Gee I dunno, maybe cause you attacked me?  Or maybe cause yer a lamer who kills grays as they res?  I wondered which I tell him, so I just told him all.  The conversation lasted well over 10 minutes at which point I got bored of him and decided to leave.   (Screenshot)

All in all it was a pretty good fight.  Even though I didn't get the kill I managed to get my point across, which was my intention in the first place (although killing him would have been a nice touch.)