Silly Newbies
This story begins at the mines west of Trinsic. I was there looking for either some customers, or some people to talk to since I was quite bored. A dishonorable newbie looking fellow whose name I can't remember came and started talking to me.
"Why r u dastardly?!" he asked.

"Cause I'm a bad boy." I replied.

"Do u pk?" he asked.

"Only when I have to." I replied.

"die pk!!!" he yelled and he attacked me.

I almost felt like wrestling him to death, silly boy attacking a guy in full gold plate who's probably ten times stronger than him.  The thought quickly vanished from my head as I moved at him and stabbed him twice with my war fork forcing him to run.  Normally I would chase down such an offender and slay him, but I was tired as well as bored and I just didn't feel like it.

A few minutes later, the newbie returned along with 3 others.  One was a mage on horseback with full silver plate, the other was a bone-wearing archer, and the other was a halberd-wielding plate wearer.

"That's him, that's the pk! Kill him he tried to kill me!" the newbie said, obviously pointing me out.

I entered war mode and prepared for the oncoming attack.  I make it a point never to flee unless I'm either VERY outnumbered, or have sustained too much damage from an outnumbered attack.

"Hey that's Warik." the guy on the horse said.

"Cool, hey Warik are you the guy with the webpage?" the halberd wielder asked.

"Yea, that's me." I replied.

"Cool man, your page rules man." he said.

"Thanks dude, you guys still planning to kill me?"

"Nah." the horseman replied.

"Hey Warik, was this guy bothering you?" the archer asked.

"As a matter of fact, yes he was.  He made a dent in my platemail and was so mean he almost made me cry." I laughed.

"Let's kill the newbie." the archer said.

An arrow, a bolt of lightning, and halberd hit the newbie within a few seconds and brought him down to no more than 5 hp, he obviously had a ton of strength to be able to survive all that while almost naked.

"wtf? PKS HELP" the newbie yelled as he ran out of the mine.  The archer gave chase and placed an arrow directly into the newbies back.  The newbie fell to the ground in a bloody heap.  The archer returned without disturbing the body.

"Hey Warik, you want his stuff?" he asked.

"Nah, that death should be enough.  Imagine getting killed by someone you asked for help. LOL." I laughed.

"Hehe, later man." they said as they left the cave and headed for God knows where.  I walked outside the cave, up to the body, laughed, and then headed for the mines to the south to see if any other miners were feeling talkative.
Moral of this Story:  Don't attack people who are much stronger than you.  And if the guys who you bring back to help start talking friendly to your enemy, try running before they hack you to pieces =)