Mi Casa es su Casa
This story begins on a quiet day in front of the First Bank of Trinsic.   The peace is suddenly interrupted by a fellow named Golem II equipped with full plate armor and a loud mouth.

"House for sale!!! Very cheap!" he shouted.

"What type of house are you selling?" I asked.

"A small forge, for 14k... are you interested?" he said.

    I attempted to find a reason as to why this fellow would try to sell a house for 14,000 gold pieces when it is obvious that he must have a copy of the keys somewhere; I found no reason, but decided to play along for a while.

"Yes, I'm quite interested.   But I must first see the house and you must prove to me that the key you are selling is indeed the one that opens the door."

"I have a rune to it, we can go and I'll show you." he replied.

"Very well."

    We went to the side of the bank and recalled off of his rune, when I examined my destination I saw that it was near a dungeon and that there was a vendor near the door to his house.   My first thoughts were negative, the vendor must have the key and there would be no way for me to steal it off of Mr. Golem.   My negative thoughts quickly turned positive when he actually handed me the keys after he recalled in!  I made haste toward the door and stepped inside, he followed.

There was furniture inside the house and a large chest in the corner.   I quickly moved to the chest and picked it up, but did not open it for fear of a trap.

"Hey! What are you doing with my chest?" he inquired.

"Nothing sir, I am simply taking a peek, is it trapped?"

"Yes it is trapped, put it down." he replied.

    I put the chest back on the floor and decided that settling for the house is better than blowing myself up.   Seconds after dropping the box, the knave began taking items out of it!  He obviously lied to me and I was enraged.   I picked up the box and began to hear his ramblings again.

"Hey man, what are you doing???" he asked.

"You told me this chest was trapped, how are you removing items from it?" I asked.

"I just said that so you wouldn't open it and steal anything, sorry.   So the forge for 14k, do we have a deal?"

"Nay my friend, I have a better idea." I said, with an evil smile on my face.

    I walked over to him and stole the rune to the house from his backpack.   He immediately entered war mode and began attacking me.   Although I was almost naked with 10 AR and equip with a non-magical war fork, I decided to stay and fight to see what type of adversary I was about to royally piss off.   Two hits from his weapon reduced my life by one half, and I felt it was about time to retire.

"Farewell milord, 'twas a pleasure doing business with thee.   Kal Ort Por."

"fucker, fag, fuck you bitch!!!"

Apparently he was not taught good negotiation tactics.

Moral of this Story:  Golem II was screwed out of a house, and a chest full of goodies.   The cause should be obvious, if you're going to sell your house to someone don't hand them the damn key unless you have either some collateral or a definite way of getting the key back.   Secondly, if you're going to tell a blatant lie to someone be sure to make sure that they won't find out within seconds that you were lying.