Beware - This page, will take eons to load.

Have a Beer or 47 while you await the huge load to hit you in the eyes.

Well the evening was certainly a wierd one,and I must say it qualified as one of the better wierds I have experienced. I was in the middle of making the little WTFman intro, making the frames for the 3 gm's I planned on killing, and I had a Spirit Speak macro running full blast in Vesper on my new newbie Ron, whilst I went about my business in Paintshop. I just happened to check the screen to make sure my connection was still fine, when I notice that I am bouncing around the screen like a rabbit on quadruple expresso. I didn't spy anything wierd, but when I tapped everyone's favorite allnames macro and popped open the ol' journal and scrolled up a bit, I noticed a "Nissa" had repeatedly been screaming "I WANT A HAPPY MEAL," and sure enough after allnames had cleared I see the form of a humanized invulnerable Nissa GM running around me in circles and picking me up and dropping me whever she so chose. I seemed tor ecall the name Nissa, I recollected various E-Mails regarding "a bitch red robe on Lake Superior," so I assumed I was being tested for everyone's other favorite last target macro. So I respond with the usual "wtf man" for good measure. I begin to engage Nissa in conversation when out of nowhere pops another Favorite, GM Ghostpig. (See Screenshots section - He was the one who killed me in jail with a guard for his version of good measure). This was certainly interesting. I missed a good bit of conversation while stumbling to load Hypersnap - for pictures of course, GM watching is an all time favorite of mine.

When I return, Ghostpig is already taking his leave, and i was still confused about the visit.

I also lost a good bit of conversation here for my looping macro program was still pumping the Spirit Speaking at high speed, so I shut it down so I could make sense of my situation.

So Nissa and I are becoming aquainted, for what reason I still have no idea, when all of a sudden Lonestar joins the fray. I guess it was Meet Ron Day, ya got me. Unfortunately I didn't have any of those Valentines handy, you know, to let them know my feelings for them. They were being surprisingly gentle, and had yet to take me to jail. Something was certainly wierd. I felt almost.....Innocent if you will. It was a touching moment. I felt clean, and I hadn't even showered. I never shower. How could I be clean?

Now of course things were to become even wierder, as Ghostpig, whom had already left, I guess decided to come back and join the Orgy with me as the centerfold. You know, as I have stated before, when you page a GM, you tend to get blown off. When you are in an orgy, you tend to get blown off too. I wasn't being blown off. What is going on here? Just what kind of orgy was it we were having? They were being nice of course, but they weren't being traditional. I quickly realized Lonestar dug the movie. Hey, anything for the fans. Always good to know at least someone liked what I completely despised. My ego got propped up a notch. Just what I needed. Ask Legolos.

This was killer. I mean, the GMs who are supposed to hate me I would think, turn out to be a VW Bus full of hard core groupies. We weren't even at a Dead show, and they were being Grateful. Ego upped another notch. Just what I needed, ask Legolos. I told you that already, pay attention.

Nissa was a GM I had yet to meet, but certainly one I had heard stories about. Apparently she merely wanted to meet "the ron" as she put it. Side note: Ghostpig was emoting left and right, his text didn't appear very well in the journal upon 1st glance, but he is up under the Journal. As a further side note, I will add that the journal is cut in half because I kept moving it and accidentally snapped pics while it was off screen on occassion. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Back to the story. All was going well. And well, when things are going well, it was time of course to peep in with that which i think a man of my now double +'d boosted ego stature was certainly worthy of. The Original Ron still needs a fucking goatee. Now granted, I have this new Master Medium with a goatee, but come now, this Ron was apparently impotent. After all, I wasn't getting blown off right? Impotency is the common cause of such problems. It was certainly the perfect time to ask.

Now here things take a drastic change. Usually, I always get blown off right at this moment in the traditional orgy with GMs, but as I said, this wasn't an ordinary day. Most GMs take the "Hey man, I want a goatee" as the pickup line for that sort of action, but Lonestar stood his ground. Nissa said she wanted to get off. She knew how orgies were supposed to take place I suppose. However, I am taken when it comes to online-typing-a-lot moments, so I stuck to goatee speak.

Nissa left Lone and I alone - I quickly called Greybeard for backup. As Grey arrived, going back to wierd events regarding facial curlies, Lonestar spoke of GM Barders who travel throughout the cities to fulfil those desires of the townfolk who are low on pubescent hormones. This was getting ineresting. A barber. Ron can't get to town. He asked details, and Grey brought the beer. Oh what a night.

So then Lonestar speaks of the new improved Barber he might be able to get ahold of who just so happens to live out of town. I love traveling.

Lonestar informed me Ironwill was still here, I assume he meant "here" as in at his monitor or perhaps even - *gasp*<--(not an emotion) doing his job, so he decided to stick around a little longer. He enjoyed our company. After all, we are the WTFMen. Who doesn't enjoy our company? So he dumped the work on Ironwill. Haha. Lonestar seemed to have developed some mad skills himself. Workload dumping is a trait we all know and love. Bad thing is, is Nighthawk wasn't with us, and I had my head crammed too far up the camera's lens to remember to get him here for the night's discussion. Damn me.

Some newbie named Desire showed up amidst my wet day dreams of goatees, and Grey and I decided he was a cheater we knew from way back. We were testing Lonestar's skills. Hoping he would jump for the easy kill.

Lonestar didn't take action much to our dismay, and me being unsatisfied, I of course has to inquire as to why all of the known cheaters get off so easy. Must have had something to do with orgies with GMs? Hell if I know. Lonestar disappointed us, we were beginning to doubt what we earlier had established as mad skills. I had to refresh my own memory. I knew Lonestar had skills, I just had to find them.

Having recently remembered the post on Dr. Twister's news page about Lonestar and his "Horseraces" he held in order to test for UOE on whatever shard that was, I of course told him it was brilliant. If it was a true story, it was damned funny. That's how I knew he had skills. An ingenius GM idea. Did such a thing really exist, or was it just another fairy tale? Well, naturally, it appeared Lonestar denied the motive of checking for UOE, and said what was said on Twister's site was false, and that he had read that bit too. What he said was that he started it as a Fun RP Event, but then afterwards realized that people would probably say what he read on Twister's page. Looked like a classic GM coverup. Regardless, I still think that horserace idea was terrific if I do say so myself.

Our conversation trailed on about this and that. We discussed the Lewinsky trial, Necromancy patches, blow jobs, being on "the List" as GMs call it - you know, typical conversation. Lonestar added more compliments about our sites and made his way back to the act of doing his job.

So that was my night in UO last night. What did you do?

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